Cave Spring Baptist's 2002 Graduates
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Cave Spring Graduates of 2002
On May 26, 2002, the Cave Spring Baptist Church honored their 2002 graduates during the Morning service. You have all made us very proud. We wish you good luck in your future pursuits!

Honoring the Graduates 2002
Reverend Tal Roberts speaks about the graduates of 2002. Sitting in the front pew are Anna Tierce, Chris Jackson and Allison Garner.
Allison Garner, Jacksonville State College, 2002
Allison graduated from Jacksonville State and is looking forward to getting her teaching career started this fall.
Anna Tierce, Floyd College of Nursing, 2002
Anna graduated from the Floyd College School of Nursing and is looking forward to the role she will play in the care of others in the years to come.
Chris Jackson, Darlington High School, 2002
Chris is looking forward to a summer of fun before he enters his first year of college this coming fall.

Congratulations to the other graduates of our church family.

Jenna Martin, University of Georgia, granddaughter of John and Betty Shaw

Jamie R. Knight, Jacksonville State, granddaughter in law of Navaughnia Kerr

Shawn Davis, Masters from Georgia Tech, son of Margaret and Phil Davis

Charity Duggar Davis, West Georgia, daughter in law of Margaret and Phil Davis

Roseanna Worthington, Darlington High School

The Cave Spring Baptist Church believes in all of you, wishes you luck in your futures.